Sunday, January 6, 2013

Leaves of Grass: a great little American indie film

Here's my personal disclaimer: By recommending this film I'm not promoting or damning the use of marijuana. But I wanted to review it since the recent change to marijuana laws and because I enjoyed it.

I just think it's a great little indie film written by Tim Blake Nelson who hails from Oklahoma where he story also mostly takes place.  BTW, he also stars in it as Bolger. What a relief it is to watch a film that takes place somewhere beyond the usual places I see in so many American-made films!

Ed Norton really is quite brilliant as an actor and he's up for the challenge to play twin brothers who are like opposite sides of the coin. Billy is a successful Philosophy professor and author who left his Okie roots to find his way in the world beyond.  His twin Brady is a successful pot-grower. Though Brady is on the shady side of the law, he still has principles that he's willing to stick up for.

Billy is called back to Oklahoma for the death of his brother. Or is he? I don't want to say much more about the plot because it'll ruin the experience for anyone who wants to watch it.

I do want to share more freely about some of the great characters. Susan Sarandon is their hippie mother who used to be an English teacher. Richard Dreyfuss is great as Pug, the Jewish gangster. I really had to look at him twice to recognize him. He's mean but he's also somewhat of a philosopher himself. As a love-interest for Billy, Keri Russell is Janet who also writes poetry and is a champion noodler (watch the film to learn more about that!) Lucy DeVito has a great little role as a student who has the hots for her professor. By the way, she's the daughter of actors Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman.

Mystery, action, romance and the age-old theme of sibling rivalry are what make this a fun and thought-provoking film to watch.

Here are a few scenes from the film:

Brady shares his own philosophy.

Billy's student compromises his position.

Bolger defends Billy.

Brady's Pot Farm.

Billy gets to know Janet.

Bolger and Brady visit the synagogue.

The dentist goes gun-shopping.