Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Together - A Swedish Comedy Film about a Collective

This Swedish comedy film directed by Lukas Moodysson  is set in Stockholm in 1975. Goeran (Gustaf Hammarsten) has just heard on the radio that Franco has died and the whole house celebrates his passing.

The whole house is a collective called "Together" or "Tillsammans" in Swedish. The residents include a crazy cast of characters including a lesbian, socialist, nympho and more. After Elisabeth's (portrayed by Lisa Lindgren) husband Rolf (portrayed by Michael Nyqvist) hits her, Goeran, who's her brother,  brings her and her children to live with him in his collective home. All the major characters in this film evolve in some way.

I found it to be a very enjoyable film. I don't want to say anymore about it and spoil it for anyone who might want to watch it.

Caution: There is nudity in this film but after all it is a Swedish film!
But really no Swedish film from this time period would be complete without Abba, the Swedish pop group that was very popular and Abba fans will be pleased to hear some of their music on the soundtrack

Astrid Lindgren's books The Children of Noisy Village and Pippi Longstocking are both mentioned. She was a popular Swedish author of children's books.

Some quotes from this film:

"Did you believe me? I was only kidding. You can't play with us."---boy to Elisabeth's son Stefan

"So when you leave me, darling, can't you hear me S-O-S?"---Abba song

"I'm not discussing whose turn it is. ...Washing up is bourgeois!"---Erik

"I don't know about the others, but I can't have a discussion if I'm forced to look at you showing off your apparatus."---Lasse

"Goeran, you are the world's nicest, sweetest, kindest, but you must think as well."---Lena

"It's just so stupid, as Erik's no welder. He's the clumsiest person I've ever met. He just hits and burns himself."---Lasse

"I'm with the common people. I'm not rotting at a university....Isn't it wrong to rot at a university?"---Erik

"Anna was in therapy and then she realized she was a lesbian."---Goeran

"No. I'll go to the basement and do some woodwork."---Fredrik's father to his wife

"Your name is Stefan? Mine is Tet. It's from Vietnam. There was a war there...and something called the Tet Offensive."---Tet to Stefan

"I mean, I instinctively feel I want loads more out of life...than just being someone's housewife."---Lena

"I'd love to be a housewife. I must find a man first."---Klas

"I'm not allowed to be here. But I thought...if you want to, we can go somewhere else."---Fredrik to Eva

"You know "The Children of Noisy Village"? I thought that--in that book, it's just like in this house. Because they say they'll think the opposite of everything. Like, who decided it's nice when the sun shines...and awful when it rains? They decide it should be the opposite. So they say, "Awful" when it's sunny...and "how wonderful" when it rains. It's just like that in this house. We have ugly clothes and we listen to bad music. And there's one of them--Anna--who's a homosexual. She won't like guys 'cause everyone else does."---Eva

"We'd make such a nice couple. Lasse and Klasse."---Klas

"You could say we are like porridge. first we're like small oat flakes--small, dry, fragile, alone. But then we're cooked with the other oat flakes...and become soft. We join so that one flake can't be told apart from another. We're almost dissolved. Together we become a big porridge...that's warm, tasty, and nutritious...and yes, quite beautiful, too. So we are no longer small and isolated...but we have become warm, soft, and joined together. Part of something bigger than ourselves. Sometimes life feels like an enormous porridge...don't you think?"---Goeran

"But just after the divorce, then I thought I was--Life starts now, the world is open...there's freedom now, and all of that. Women to the right and arguments or nagging. I could do what I liked. But it just turned out shit. There were not that many women, either. Christ. There's strength in being alone--That's just bullshit. Only thing worth anything is being together. And then Kerstin met some bloody--some bloody accountant. So what use is my fucking freedom when it's just shit?"--- older man Birger to Rolf

"Good-bye! We won't miss you."---Lasse

"It's nice that you and my wife are people without barriers. I have my barriers, and I'm very happy with them."---Lasse

"I think loneliness is the most awful thing in the world....Rather eat porridge together than a pork cutlet alone. Although I don't know if Rockefeller would agree.He'd probably eat the pork cutlet."---older man Birger to Rolf

Here are some scenes from this film:

Here's the trailer for this film: